At a glance...

Student Accommodation
VITRAL Roof Glazing
£400k Total Project Value
Case Study

Court Apartments, York

Project Overview

RED Systems were approached by Thorpe Underwood Estates to assist in the design, supply and installation of a proposed atrium for a new Student Accommodation Block at Queen Ethelburgas College, York. The Atrium was to be a key feature of the building allowing a breakout recreational space for the students, as well as provide opening vents for ventilation and to act as a means of smoke clearance in the event of fire.

The initial design proposal was to use a VITRAL roof glazing system with integral opening vents. As one of VITRAL’s largest and most technically competent supply chain partners in the UK, RED Systems was able to work with the estate’s in-house design team and develop the VITRAL system in keeping with the projects aesthetic requirements and the building’s smoke evacuation strategy.

Court Apartments, York They said...

I would highly recommend RED Systems as a company to deliver not only a first-class service but their attention to detail is unparalleled. They have a unique personal quality to their work ethic & approach and no task was ever an issue. Meticulous planning and organisation were central to the success of this project and they were excellent in delivering these two attributes. RED Systems is a very good sub-contracting company and I would highly recommend using them and urge others to do the same.

Joe Colannino, Assistant Project Manager,

Designing a smoke vent solution to meet the project requirements of an 87m² free area was challenging. However, RED undertook the task and worked closely with partners Window Master to develop a suitable actuators and controls package that would comply with EN12101 requirements for Full Life Safety Smoke Evacuation.

Once the initial design concept had been finalised, RED engaged with the estates own project management team, steelwork contractor and fire engineers to develop the design both on time and on budget allowing successful procurement of the glazing package. After demonstrating a close eye to detail and a non-contractual work ethic, RED were then asked to look at designing and installing four glazed mezzanine floors beneath the atrium. As with the atrium design, RED were able to work closely with the client to develop a solution allowing the glass mezzanines to bear the load of heavy foot traffic and provide defused soft light to travel through the glass lighting the areas below.

What we used...
  • VITRAL Roof Glazing
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