Aluminium Windows & Curtain Walling
Aluminium Windows: Our aluminium windows are available in a variety of configurations, including thermally broken and energy-efficient options. Designed for both functionality and visual appeal, these windows can be customised in styles such as casement, tilt-turn, and steel look-alike to perfectly match the specifications of your project.
Curtain Walling: We provide several curtain walling systems, to suit different structural, thermal, acoustic, and design requirements. Each system offers flexibility and efficiency during installation, ensuring seamless integration with the building’s aesthetic and performance needs.
Our window & curtain walling product offer includes but is not limited to:
- Aluminium Windows and Doors (Commercial and Residential)
- Capped Curtain Walling Systems
- Capless (Toggle/Silicone pointed) Curtain Walling Systems
- Passivhaus Glazing Systems
- Shop Front Glazing
- Integrated Louvre Systems
- Bi-folding & Sliding Doors
- Bespoke Metal Work
Service and Solutions: Beyond our products, RED Systems is committed to Service Delivery Excellence. This principle is ingrained in our culture and influences every interaction with our clients. We aim to build lasting relationships with partners who appreciate our dedication to not only meeting but exceeding their expectations with every project.
Driven by a passion for superior systems and products, we are equally dedicated to the service and solutions that support our offerings. Our approach ensures that we deliver exceptional results, creating lasting partnerships based on reliability, trust, and mutual success.